Thursday 3 December 2015

Challenge Galway has commenced!

The Challenge Galway 2016

Here are some of the challenges I face going into training for Challenge 2016:

(1) I haven’t trained properly in two years (i.e. any structure to my training)

(2) I just have had cataract surgery in my right eye (8th October); followed by a macular edema on my retina.

(3) I take blood pressure tablets every day (mild ones albeit but lots of family history of cardiac issues). Not necessarily a challenge but something to be mindful of.

(4) We run our own business, my husband Sean and I.

(5) Sean is also competing in Challenge Galway 2016.

(6) We have a daughter aged 7 and a son aged 5 (nearly 6).

(7) I entered ironman Galway (half) in 2012 but the swim was cut short and I didn’t do the run as I had a running injury so I have never even completed half ironman distance.

(8) I am reasonable swimmer, ok on the bike and a poor runner.

Two years ago I decided to stop doing triathlons and spend more time with the kids while there were small. This year I realised how important it is for me to train and be fit, for my mental wellbeing as much as anything else. Apparently, kids who see their mothers (particularly) exercise are far more likely to exercise themselves. Obviously this is something we would like our kids to do.

While I qualified as a fitness instructor in 1994 a lot has changed since then and I knew that without a rigid training programme training would be ad hoc and on wet & windy days just wouldn’t happen. I decided that I needed a coach. I got Don Fink’s book but without some accountability I probably would skip a few sessions. Thankfully, through my husband, I was introduced to Dave. I now have a plan, someone to ask questions, and someone to keep me on track.

Every week I receive a training plan and I follow it. Sometimes the lingo has me confused and I just have to ping Dave an email and all is explained. Recently we had our financial year end in the business and the kids were waking a lot of nights, Dave saw the results on my Garmin connect and decided that I needed another rest day during the week for the next few weeks. I needed more time for my body to recover.

I started training on Marathon Monday, 26th October so I am now 6 weeks into a training plan. The first few weeks was all about biking and running as I wasn’t allowed back in the pool after eye surgery.

My first turbo session (46 minutes) was as follows:

10 easy
4x(1HC, 30 sec easy)
4x(30sec build, 30sec easy)
4x(3 BG steady cap, 1 easy)
5x(15sec sprint, 45 sec easy)
5 easy

HC= high cadence > 110rpm
build= first easy, second less and so on
BG= < 60rpm
steady cap = HR cap top end of steady
sprint=go for it

My first run (30mins) back was as follows:

Easy - include 5x(20sec fast, 40sec easy)
fast here means fast but not a sprint, not flat out

After 6 weeks I am doing harder turbo (Tuesday nights) sessions (55 mins) and my heart rate recovery is a lot better and I even hit 150 cadence. After this session my heart rate after the cool down period was 125 which is good for me (for the moment at least).

10 easy
4x(1HC, 30 sec easy)
4x(30sec build, 30sec easy)
4x(5 BG steady cap, 1 easy)
5x(15sec sprint, 45 sec easy)
5 easy

Wednesday morning is Swim session and this week I did a 3km session as follows:

400m warm up
8 x 50m drills ( arrow drill) to help rotate and glide
(this following set x 6)
2 x 100m @ 1;55 - breath every 5 breath (focus on glide when breathing)
2 x 100m @1;50 – breath every 3 breaths ( focus on glide when breathing)
1 x 50 @1;30 easy

100 easy

Today Thursday 3rd December Run (40m)

Easy - include 5x20sec fast, 40sec easy

Because of work commitments at the moment Dave has tailored my plan to facilitate less time for training. The intensity of the sessions has however increased. As a summary my weekly training is 2 hours bike turbo ; 2 hours run; 1 hour swim. ½ hr strength and conditioning class. Total 5.5 hours per week. Hopefully in January things will return to normal and long runs and long bike rides can take place but for the moment we are working with what time is available for us to train.

It’s great to be back in training, I love the routine and structure of it and I find I have more energy (in general) than before. I will try to keep a weekly blog on my progress and occasionally I will throw up a blog about particular issues that I encounter.